New Publications are on the way this month of May!

I have submitted for publication the final proofed copy of The Secret Queen: The Girl No One Knew. In this book I tell the story of a young elf princess who is kidnapped by marauders from a far land. She faces the challenge of surviving in a hostile, dangerous world where there are many slaves like her (human and elf). Will she ever be reunited with her royal family and others who love her? Find out in The Secret Queen.
Second I am proofing my second volume of original poems: The King of the Hidden Country: Collected Poems, Volume II. (Volume I was titled A Poem Is On the Wing!). In this I include both secular and sacred creations. The secular ones include a number of fantasy poems taken from previous novels (The Secret Queen or The Enchanted Beauty). The sacred section includes poems of the Old and New Testaments and of a general Christian nature.