Surely by now we can all see the need for a new constitution for the United States! The one we have was perfectly fine for our first 150 years or so, but diabolical forces in Washington, D. C. have learned how to subvert or pervert the clear, historical meaning of the original text. This new, experimental document creates Federation of States with a strong central government. By legal precedent, and by deliberate inattention to the clearly written law, we are now in possession of a document that is no longer aloud to mean what it says. In this new constitution the trappings and enticements of power that now exist are removed. States are given a great deal more explicit liberty even to the point of seceding from the new union that will be formed. Term limits will apply to everyone, including federal employees. Moreover the latter are not permitted to join labor unions for their relatively brief time of employment, and budgets must be balanced annually. Sounds like a fairy tale? It isn't if true blue, freedom-loving Americans want this republic to survive. This is available at amazon in digital and paperback versions. Get yours here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ9R56GL?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
