YASS, IT'S TRUE!! I have already have two collections of poetry published . . . and now a third one is on the way! If you've searched for my books at amazon you found A Poem Is On the Wing (Volume I of Collected Poems for Various Occasions), and The King of the Hidden Country (Volume II of the same). Now, I am working on The Cottage in the Glen, which be Volume III of this (hopefully one day) illustrious collection. Yes, I get the big head when I write poetry, but God humbles me every day by reminding me that I am not famous for writing books (and likely never will be!) :( Speaking of God our preacher preached on 1 Samuel 8:4-20 last Sunday; so I wrote a poem which captures the Bible text and at least part of the man's good message. This will appear one day (God willing) in The Cottage in the Glen:
When Samuel Got Old! (1 Samuel 8:4-20)
(c) Paul Duerksen June 13, 2018
Israel's elders grew to be so bold

When they saw Samuel had gotten old.
"Look, your sons, (they said) they will not do!
They cannot carry on after you!
The time has come, "God please to us bring
Someone who can lead, even a king!
For ye know 'tis now the latest fashion
For us to be like another nation.
Give a king to go in front of us!"
Samuel said, "I think we should discuss
This idea with God for He's the one
Who led you through the Sinai desert sun.
He who came as a pillar of fire,
He may not agree with your desire!
He who came as a pillar of fire.
But when Samuel went to make that call
"Now is not the time for ye to bawl!"
That's what the Lord said to him in essence
As He appeared in His holy presence.
"It's not you they have rejected swift
But from me they stubbornly do drift!
Let this stubborn people go their way
'Tis from me they go and drift astray.
Let them have this foolish, selfish fling!
Give them what they ask, give them a king!
But tell them how nasty kings will be
Tell them they will no longer be free.
Tell them he will take a son or daughter
To prepare his food and draw his water.
Take your pretty daughters from your side
Make the best of them his newest bride.
Kings ignore their own and your conscience
They'll make service an inconvenience.
If you choose this evil wind to blow
That's the way your kingdoms all will go."
But the people hearing answered shrill,
"It don't matter, we want a king still!"
Samuel sadly nodding sent away
All those tribal elders on that day.
He shook his head and said, "What a pity!"
As he sent them each to his own city.
And he sought the Lord to see just how
God would grant their wish: a king for now.