Sunday afternoon I volunteered to take the minutes/notes for our bi-monthly church council meeting. I guess I completely forgot who I am and how I do this sort of thing! There weren't that many action items really, but I ended up with two letter sized ruled pages of meeting-minutes (plus part of a 3rd page!). That was with me writing in the big scrawl I have and using the shorthand that I've developed. Someone else who knows me well saw my notes at the end and he quipped, "See, Paul: you can now write a big, long book out of those church council notes." He was poking fun at the lengthiness of a few of my novels (which I get; but at the time of writing every word seems appropriate and needed even after read-throughs and editing). Still, the man gave me an idea: what if I DID develop a novel out of a simple set of church-meeting-minutes?! What would that look like? It could be scandalous and seamy . . . or it could be really innocent but funny! It could even work up into a love story if the single guy who was chosen to take minutes kept drawing hearts on the page of his note pad and staring at a beautiful single girl who happened to be at the meeting. Hmmm . . . . Food for thought!