AGORGITON I: EVIL'S RISE 2nd revised edition is out!
Okay, I'll admit it. I was in such a hurry to get these three volumes published back in 2016 and 2017 that I did not do the careful job of proofing that really was required. In this new edition, I have taken care of that. Along the way I also improved the story for consistency in my characters and plot. I made one other huge and useful change: all three volumes are now about equal in length! This will prove to be a big and helpful improvement over the previous three volume set. Expect revisions of Volumes II and III to appear in the next four months (God willing!). Why would anyone want the new edition after purchasing the old? Well the above changes make a handier volume to read if as a hard cover work. AND there will be a buying incentive for the first full week of this book's release (something like only 99 cents not including shipping fees). Plus, if I may say it this is just a dang good story! (Some may recall I first began to write this back during the autumn of 1982 and finished the first draft of it in 1985). Anyone find your copy right here: