I just finished the first full draft of my newest novel, I Loved the Cat Woman: A Story of Loss and Recovery. Right now I'm in the first stage of proof-reading and making good progress. I hope to have this out by the end of January '19. This is the story of a man who loses his wife of twenty-five years to cancer. Fortunately he has family members nearby: his son and daughter-in-law who also live in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and his daughter who is enrolled in the local junior college. And he h

as the family cat, a beautiful black female with green eyes who is uncharacteristically loyal to him. But the cat does not remain as she was . . . which provides the proper 'kick' for the novel. Also I have Volume III of my 'selected poems' book coming along nicely. At this point it is going to feature one long fairy tale epic poem arranged in iambic pentameter with parallel rhyming. Later I hope to spin another novel out of this one poem. It will be set in the Realm of the Five Lands like earlier novels (namely The Enchanted Beauty, Agorgiton in three volumes, and The Secret Queen). That's what I have to report for now. Happy Advent and Christmas! LBC