"THROW AWAY THAT SERMON!" now in revised book form
I wrote my memoirs down and published them under the above title four years ago. But now Amazon (through whom I have published the digital edition) has a new policy for publishing independent authors in hard-cover format as well (and 'createspace.com' has been closed down by its parent company). The people who have an older copy of the hard-cover book still enjoy these funny stories about my life as a pastor. You will too! You can feel good about passing this on to someone else who needs hope and joy in their lives. Get your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/Throw-Away-That-Sermon-Methodist-ebook/dp/B01N10K46T/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1547130363&sr=1-1&keywords=throw+away+that+sermon+paul+duerksen