In recent days I finished the second full print-proof of this sequel to my first super-hero novel (which was Indestructo: An Unlikely Hero). Volume II is subtitled "Onward and Upward." Read the book, and you'll see why! It's available now through amazon in the link below and of course through amazon's kindle books (for only 2.99$ I think). So if you don't want the thing new in print, then get the digital version. Avoid buying the used copies please! There is no way now to obtain proof editions from amazon without first publishing the book! That means to get your second proof edition, you have to publish a "first book" of that title. (Publish your own on amazon, and you'll see what I mean.). But all that aside in this new book mild-mannered pastor Jacob Lawrence is called upon to do even greater feats of bravery in order to prevent a major terrorist attack in the heart of the nation. But he can't do it alone! Good thing he has some help from "on high." Buy your copy here:
AND if you missed the first novel get it here: