A PASSAGE TO IONA Reviewed, Revised, Published
If you've followed any of these posts (and a few of you have!) you know A Passage was published last year during the early autumn. I just read through the entire historical novel once again, and found myself every so often tweaking grammar and syntax. Mainly to improve the flow of reading the book out loud (and to become more consistent in capturing an older Scottish brogue). With the few changes made to the text and to the bibliography, the book has now been republished and is available here:
Of course as always you may purchase a copy of this at Amazon as a Kindle edition. In case you forgot this is the story of an ancient Pict (6th century, A. D.) family whose lives intersect with one of St. Columba's several journeys to Scotland. The latter saint was the first great, consistent missionary to the Picts of ancient Alba, and he left his mark on that ancient people. In my book I focus on the Graham family (I had to use later clan names for my characters) and particularly the two oldest sons. Their openness to God's visions leads them to the old Irish preacher who evangelizes them and trains them for service to God. My third read-through of the book left me with the same sense of grandeur and awe I had back at its creation. Get your own copy and enjoy! (A good read even for people outside the Christian faith.)