"The Iron Rings: A Fantasy" Story Outline Is Underway . . . .
About six months ago I got the story idea of a troubled young man becoming a hero. The basic plot is he leaves his quiet home town and ventures into the dangerous enchanted woods of an unpoliced borderland. There he discovers a cabin where live a strange couple: a man and a woman who pass themselves off as siblings. The young hero notices their strange behavior and the two rusted iron rings they wear on their fingers. He asks if these are wedding rings, and she insists they are not, and that she is single. Her husband is a gibbering, slobbering, uncommunicative fool whom (she claims) is clearly under the enchantment of an evil witch who did not feel welcome at their cabin months before. Jarick (the young hero) decides to do what he can to set things right. But it is not as easy as he thought . . . .