DO THIS FOR LENT: "The Pilgrim's Destination: A Man's Search for Christ"
Hey, Folks, I just got through reading my The Pilgrim's Destination: A Man's Search For Christ. And yes, I made some small changes in syntax and grammar (really just cosmetic changes), and only a few of those. Weighing in at around 9 bucks, not including shipping, it's a good, cheap read for this season of LENT. If you don't know what Lent is, it is a Christian season of the year in which people practice self-denial, focusing on the needs of others, and seeking a deeper, holier relationship with Jesus Christ. It is 40 days (not including Sundays) which leads up to Easter. Easter is the day we commemorate the first disciples' discovery of the empty tomb where the body of Jesus had been laid after his death by crucifixion. SO (for those who do not know this) the season of Lent prepares us for Easter day and the Fifty Days of the Easter season. Getting back to the book, Destination is about a lost and wandering pilgrim who is searching for something, but he doesn't know what or who it is. I originally thought to write a modern version of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, but very quickly as I wrote and developed the story, I left behind any resemblance to Bunyan's tale. Instead a very different story appeared and took shape, though the end result is at least similar. Bunyan's man and mine do find Jesus Christ. That, after all, is the main point of life (in my humble opinion).. Find Christ. Find His way in the world. Find his way with others. It's the Word for the day (but also of course, I think my book will help!). Get your copy here: