"Mountain From the Sky" Takes off!
That's actually a title of irony. The actual book is about something that came from the sky and landed near my boyhood home about seventy million years ago. The main character is patterned after me, but with a twist: unlike the real me this character resists the compulsion to go off to college with all his friends. Instead he stays in Fort Stockton, Texas, gets a job in the oil field and falls in love first with one woman, then with another. After discovering an unusual rock in the courtyard of the old courthouse Samuel Walker begins to get sick, and experiences illness periodically. Believing the rock came from the meteorite that formed the mountain south of town, he becomes obsessed with climbing peak known as Sierra Madera. When his drilling rig is moved to a location on the south side of this unusual astrobleme, he believes this is his chance for further exploration. On the ranch where his drilling rig is at work,Sam meets a ranch girl he can't get out of his head. He also meets some government personnel who strangely have decided to monitor his rig's progress as it drills down into the tough hide of Sierra Madera. Combining astrogeology with oil exploration, I have sought to create a science fiction story that will keep you guessing right up to the end! Get your copy today at amazon (Kindle edition is available too): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08771BTXM?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860