"LIONS" Roars Into A Better Style!
I reread my book, Lions in the Desert: A Story of the First Christian Hermit, and applied some changes that a favorite critiquer suggested. She was irritated by my excessive use of parentheses and parenthetical remarks (like this). I went through, removed nearly all of them, and revised many sentences to read well without them. This by the way is the story of Paul of Thebes, the first ever Christian hermit. After escaping from Thebes during the mid-third century Roman persecutions, he wandered in the eastern mountains of Egypt and settled into an unusual haven. We know little of his long life except that he lived to be 113 and most of that time he lived alone! We do know that a slightly younger contemporary, Antony of Egypt, found him near the end of his life, and heard and recorded his story. In Lions I apply what I hope and pray is sanctified imagination to flesh out the rest of Paul's adventurous, challenging, and dangerous life. Clearly he was a man of vision, and I offer the kind of visions he likely would have had in his day (late 3rd century, C. E. and early 4th). Prices have been reduced internationally, and you can purchase your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1092533222?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860