"MOUNTAIN FROM THE SKY" Lands on Book Shelves!

HERE IT IS, FOLKS, IN ITS FINAL EDITION, after four proof readings. In this book I explore a peculiar example of a deep-seated obsession. My main character, Samuel Walker, made the decision to stay home and not attend the college to which he had been accepted. Then he met his high school valedictorian, a lovely girl named Helen Greenway who, seemingly out of the blue, made the same decision. This new relationship suddenly took him along a brand new path. Suddenly Sam began to ask questions about a specific feature of the landscape just south of town: a high peak labeled by geologists as an 'astrobleme.' And then he becomes obsessed with finding out more about that mountain and how his own family history is intertwined with what took place there back during the age of the dinosaurs. In this science fiction thriller, we see where one man's obsessive search finally leads. And it's no place we could have imagined! Get your copy cheap here (Kindle and hard cover): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08771BTXM?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860