"FALLEN DOVE" Find New Wings!
Yaaasss! I know perfectly well I produced my first proof-draft of The Fallen Dove last January on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. But it's only in the last month that I had the time and felt compelled to revisit the project and read give it another proof-reading. It turns out this was the right decision! I found not many mistakes or problems in the text, but the ones I did find I have now repaired. The book is now available to all! And some folks out there must like my books. I sold three on line last week! If you like a story about God's right and God's goodness prevailing over evil, you will love The Fallen Dove: A Story of Mary the Harlot. In its own way, it's sort of a Fourth Century A. D. retelling of the Parable of the Lost Son (from Luke 15:13-32). In this story, drawn from early church historical records, Mary was overpowered and raped by a man who passed himself off as another Christian monk. Out of shame she ran away from the uncle who had raised her and became a prostitute for several years. But he always believed God's love could restore her to sainthood. He left his simple but good life behind and went in search of her. When he found Mary he brought her back to a welcoming Christian community where the two of them lived out their lives. We do not know if Mary of Edessa was a real person. But we know her story was powerful enough for early church fathers to copy and transmit it to others. SO! If you like historical fiction about early Christians, get yourselves a copy at the link below. And you should check out my two other books in this genre: A Passage to Iona: A Story of St. Columba and Lions in the Desert: A Story of the First Christian Hermit. Here's Fallen Dove: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1660853095?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860