This is a story of young love, like the sub-title says. But it's also of a young girl starting with infatuation and ending up with true love: love towards the Right Person who is fully divine and eternal. So, yeah, this is another Christian novel, though as usual I don't try to cram Christianity down anyone's throat. I'm a retired pastor, so I happen to like pastors and preachers. If you've read anything by me, you know I'll often feature preachers or pastors in my historical or contemporary novels. You'll also find some quotes from the Bible, but I just finished The English Patient, Michael O. also quotes from scripture in his peculiar love story.
But again I say, I write for the general reader, and that's the case with this coming-of-age story. Bill Thompson is my other main character. He's the kind of young man I have actually met in real life and more than once: a young man who is open to God and willing to take advantage of good opportunities. Not only that, but Bill is the kind of young man who, even at fifteen, has the gift to draw other people together and get them excited and unified about a common, useful project.
I hope you'll be excited about this new, fun, innocent novel where only feelings get hurt. But not for long!
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