AGORGITON I: Evil's Rise Is Resurrected!
If you've followed any of these blogs at all, you've observed that over the last year I've been reading through my past publications, and giving them what amounted to a fourth proof-reading. I finally got around to doing that with the first of my "Dragon Trilogy," but I did so with an ulterior motive. It's just a darn good story about heroes and monsters in the fantasy vein. In these days of the press' bashing of our President, he has, against tremendous obstacles, done a fine job of leading our nation through these extraordinary times. Our nation was in essence biologically and willfully attacked by communist china with this disease that they deliberately distributed here and throughout the world. The press and the democrats have become the dragon in our times. The president and patriots who love and defend Constitutional Liberty are today's true heroes. But aside from any allegory (which this book isn't) I believe I told a really good story here. Hopefully you will too. Meanwhile I wait until volume 2 gets here next week, hopefully. As per usual, I added chapter titles, and corrected minor notes of grammar and syntax. There you have it! lbc Get your copy here: