Ah, youth! If only growing up were so simple. But it isn't as Paul Wheeler and Denise Durant discover while still in their teens. Paul Wheeler grew up in the sixties and seventies and had two loves which would surprise no one: girls and cars! As a lifeguard his lust for girls gets him fired. His love for cars and how they operate connects him with one girl in particular. Denise Durant, a girl he met at the pool, is one he

cannot, will not forget. As fate would have it, her father owns a 1937 Oldsmobile Touring Sedan! Paul can't believe his good fortune: finding a beautiful young girl who likes him and a wonderful old car to work on. Experience his adventure as he brings healing to Denise's young life and long-needed repairs to her father's old car. And experience danger as an old boyfriend of Denise's insists on getting in the way of everything! Enjoy this exciting 'coming of age' story by Paul Duerksen. Get yours here: