Where do we find ourselves just over half way through 2022? By now every loyal American citizen (that's right I said 'citizen'!) is sick and tired of the Left in this country working hard to steal God-given rights, force evil morals/behavior on society, and castigate and marginalize anyone who disagrees with them. But brave individuals are standing strong and fighting back to regain our Founders' freedoms and our Founders' practical moral constraints. One way patriots are doing that today is to form their own social media sites. This book is the story of one heroic police officer who begins fighting in another way: by resisting at every turn the federal government's attempts to monitor and stifle modes of communication with which it disagrees. John Henry Morton in Radio Man is the first of many righteous rebels, glad to risk his life, to preserve liberty for himself and all others. If you like stories of heroes who stand for a just cause, you will appreciate this dystopic science fiction novel. Yes, it's science fiction for now, but forecasts, I believe, all too accurately where we are headed as a nation and as a world. Get your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6LF731G?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860 (paper back or digital edition).
Chronologically this is also the first of my four "Robot/AI" novels. The others, in order, are Iron Maidens, The World Below, and Canyon Bound.
