THE QUITTER Just Gets Going!
Were you a loser as a child? Come on, People! I know it's hard to admit it, but it's all right to face the truth about yourself when reading either the Bible or some good autobiographical fiction. I hope that I've created that for you in my newest book: The Quitter: A Story of Encouragement. The book's about a boy much like me when I was young.

My main character is not the kind of child who was pampered, but the kind of child who is just not very 'able', shall we say. And when you're not very able you get used to taking the easy way out. That means whenever you face a challenge, if it gets too hard, or if you just think it's too hard, then you quit. You've heard the old saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!" That saying did not apply to young Jerry Reynolds. Growing up in West Texas in the sixties and seventies he faced a number of tough times and hard obstacles. But if in his opinion things got too hard, Jerry always had a way out: he'd just quit! It took the effort of family, friends, and . . . a little help from Above to pull him out of his rut. And it took awhile to do that too. You'll enjoy reading about just how much effort that took! My wife believes it's a good book to laugh and cry over. So if you like doing both, then by all means get yours here (paperback or digital):