Yes, I know I've already got The Runaways: A Story of Marriage listed as a product at this web site. I and my wife recently gave it another read-through and have put it into its final (final!) version (gasp!). It took a lot of work to put this Bible based novel together and make it a coherent, logical whole. God led the way as usual, and gave guidance along the way. It's the story of a Jewish priest in the late Fifth Century who has married a Moabite woman. When Ezra's new edict is enacted to require Jewish males to divorce their "Canaanite" wives, Judah Ben Asahel decides to take his family and move back to his wife's home in Moab. It's hard to leave one's ancestral home, but Judah believes he has no other choice. It would be just fine if that's all there was to it. However, Ezra's 'hot head' priests cannot stand to have a recalcitrant, disobedient member of their brethren get away with breaking 'God's Law' so flagrantly. They send one of their Enforcers after Judah, and that's when it gets dangerous . . . for everyone concerned. Get yours here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VV7YR6X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
